Islamic Reels installation setup with firebase


You must have Flutter version 3.7.12 or below and Dart version 2.19.6 or below installed.

  • Flutter & Dart SDK
  • Anyone IDE Android Studio (Recommended), Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA
  • To edit this project you must have Flutter and Dart installed and configured successfully on your computer.
  • Set up your editor – Install the Flutter and Dart plugins.
  • If you have got Android SDK installed and configured, to install Flutter you only need to:
    • Download Flutter SDK from official website and extract it.
    • Add path to previously extracted SDK to your PATH variable
    • Run flutter doctor tool to check if everything is configured correctly.
    • All above steps are mentioned here:

Download Project from Envato

After successfully purchase Islamic reels download the project from Envato download page

Extract the downloaded file. You will have another zip file named containing the main project’s files and a documentation link. You are reading this documentation, that means you already have theme both.

Firebase Setup

Search firebase on Your browser. chrome is prefferable, then create new Firebase account with your google account

Click the Create project button.

Fill your project name. you can use anything you want then click continue

You are now in your firbase console

click that android Logo to register your app for android same for ios too

Fill your android package name Please change Your android package name from the one downloaded from code canyon, it should be unique

watch this tutorial on how to change package name click here Youtube

Open The flutter app in your ide Then come to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml then change package name. use your package name for firabse project

Download google-services json in to android/app or move the file to android/app in the project. then click all next

Click on Build and select Authentication, firestore database and storage

Setup Authentication and enable Email/password

Then Setup Firestore database and Storage. make sure check start in test mode you can change it later.

In /lib/views/screens/News/wp-api.dart change Uri.parse(“”), to your link change “

if nothing works Contact Us through Telegram or Whatsapp